Jigsaw (Advanced Puzzle)
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A puzzle component where the game creator uploads an image and selects the difficulty level. Based on the chosen difficulty, the system splits the image into a specific number of pieces, shuffles them, and allows the player to reassemble it on a board.
• Image upload: The game creator can upload an image in PNG or JPG format.
Difficulty selection: Creator Difficulty Options:
Easy: 8 pieces (2x4).
Medium: 16 pieces (4x4).
Hard: 24 pieces (4x6).
The difficulty chosen determines the number of divisions in the image.
• Automatic shuffling: When you select the difficulty, the system splits the image into the specified number of pieces. The pieces are then shuffled randomly and placed in the menu on the right side.
Player Interaction:
Players can drag and drop pieces onto the board to assemble them.
The player will be able to see all the pieces in the menu by scrolling with the two vertical arrows.
Win: Once the puzzle is correctly assembled, a victory message is displayed
When placing a piece in a bad position: If the position isn´t correct the piece will not fit and will remain “floating”.
When placing a piece in a good position: Pieces automatically snap into place when positioned correctly and the edge of the piece lights up. (Something similar like the video in comments but only the outilne)
Advanced options:
Mute sound
A box on the right side, white with a grey outline (#EDEFF3), in which the pieces will be placed, the box will disappear once the puzzle is completed. On the left side a menu where the pieces will appear, with two arrows so the player can see all of them.