Colors (Basic Puzzle)
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Drag the component from the subcomponents bar to the scene you're working on.
All the minigames and puzzles must be set up with actions to work properly and also define what happens once the player wins, finishes or lose.
Click on the component and then on the settings gear icon that will appear in the top menu. The configuration options are as follows:
Puzzle Identifier: a default ID appears, but you can rename it if desired.
Images: all the options you can use in this puzzle.
Solutions: here is where you set up the valid answers. If there are multiple correct answers, click "+" and add all the necessary combinations. Just drag the colors available from "Images" to the spaces in "Solutions". If you want the combination of colors in a certain order, don't forget to place the colors in that order, from left to right.
Ignore Order in the Answer: if you check this option, the player can pick the colors of the answer in any order. Example, the question is "which colors form the rainbow?". In this case, it doesn't make any change the order in which the player picks the colors, the answer is fully valid no matter the order.
Not allow duplicates: this option will disable a color once the player has already picked it. Example, the question is "which colors form the rainbow?", every color in the rainbow appear once, so of you let the player selected it from the color picker more than once may be confusing.
Solution length: number of elements the solution should have. Allows you to restrict the number of options in the 'Response' area and will set the height of the component
To remove a color from the solution, just click on it and will dissapear. If you need to remove a full combination of colors, repeat this on each one.
On the left, you'll see another section called "Others," where you can:
Enable the Clear on Error option, meaning that if the player enters an invalid answer, it will be erased immediately after checking, leaving the space blank for a new attempt.
Mute the correct or incorrect answer sound that plays after the response is checked.
When the player enters their answer in the puzzle, there are only two options: either the answer is correct, or it is incorrect.
It's very important to specify what should happen in each case. Click on the Actions icon in the top menu and add one or more actions for both when the player gets the puzzle right or wrong.
The available options are:
Go to another scene in the game
Add X points
Subtract X points
Visit an external URL